
Welcome to my website. My name is Chris Walker, and I'm a recent graduate of the University of Dundee gaining a first class honours following my study for a BSc in Applied Computing. In my spare time I develop software solutions for private clients from desktop applications to web sites. My area of interest is databases and data analysis methods, though I like diversity in work, and I'm happy to consider any new challenge when it presents itself. I love computing, and code in many different languages and domains, from C++ to C#, Linux to Windows.

During university I've had the pleasure of being involved in a few projects (see the projects page for more details). I have a passion for science, and hold scientific principles in very high regard. If I'm not coding, I'm usually browsing the pages of New Scientist, or current articles by Richard Dawkins. I'm a firm believer in the pursuit of truth and knowledge, ensuring science has always remained close to my heart.
During my study I have also had the pleasure of tutoring for two years, passing on my knowledge to the years behind me and helping them with their lab work. I'm also a passionate music fanatic and have been playing guitar for around 20 years now. I enjoy photography and, when the weather's warm, I love to cycle.
To get a feel for the variety of work I enjoy, please feel free to browse the software section, where you can download the source code of several of my smaller hobby projects. Often I find that I develop small projects based on specific concepts so that I may explore and experiment with ideas. I assume there are many like me, so I feel it's worthwhile sharing some of the ideas that caught my imagination. My larger projects and private client projects are detailed in the projects section. There you can find links to online projects and work in which I have been involved.
Feel free to browse, help yourself to some code or even drop me a line. But, most importantly, enjoy your visit.