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MVC Caching, Doughnuts and Yum Yums (2045 views)
I recently made a small improvement to my website to increase responsiveness I thought I'd share. It's the old chestnut of caching server output. I found many examples of caching approaches, and the t
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Tags: mvc cache caching server client doughnut donut
WebEssentials, LESS and a 404 (2461 views)
I was recently playing around with a new project for work, just a simple MVC website to host some useful resources for my fellow developers. I was using the WebEssentials 2012 plugin for Visual Studio
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Tags: webessentials less 404
In Memoriam (1638 views)
It has been a while since my last post, my apologies. It's New Year's Day, and I'm sitting curled up with a delicate 2007 Grand Cru Chablis and a good movie. My gap in posting may well become clear if
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Tags: memoriam
Where we're going, we actually still need roads. (2166 views)
We have heard much of theoretical physics in the news in recent years, from discovering the Higgs boson to dark energy, but are we fully exploiting the science we already have a firm understanding of
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Tags: solar roadways green technology science
News to Amuse - Issue 3 (2207 views)
New job, new home, meeting new friends, travelling back to Dundee for Christmas with the family, New Year...sorry I've been rather busy lately. I promise to gather my thoughts and bring you all up to
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Tags: news to amuse 3